[TriEmbed] stm32 bootloader interface for the rest of us

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Thu Oct 1 09:51:29 CDT 2020

I'm investigating easy ways to flash a low end STM32 chip through it's 
UART and the (STM32F031x6) datasheet had about 10 words on the subject. 
But I found the 374 page doc below. Before I dive into that I wonder if 
there's a simple program that runs on Linux or Cygwin to take whatever 
binary format the gcc tool chain spits out and shove it into this chip 
with the "system memory" boot mode engaged? I'm specifically 
investigating this as an alternative way of flashing as I find tools 
that operate through an STLink. If anybody's using gdb with STLink and 
stm32 family chips I'd love to connect with you offline.



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