[TriEmbed] OSH Park board refinement

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Fri Jun 5 13:07:37 CDT 2020

OSH Park <http://oshpark.com> has been making the edges of their boards 
easier to deal with. Now most of the time there's just a little 
protrusion (or more than one for bigger boards) from each side where the 
board was milled out in the panel. For many years I've had a dead flat 
surface and sand paper to knock off these protrusions (and the "mouse 
bites" that preceded them). But now I have a Dremel tool set up 
permanently with a side cutter bit (vaguely 1/4" diameter) and touching 
the protrusion to this knocks it off, sometimes with a slight depression 
in the board edge. But the depressions are harmless for prototypes and 
with a bit of practice and care they can be avoided. But this way the 
board edge stays straight and fits better in a jig for pasting with a 
stencil (the stainless steel stencils from OSH Stencils 
<http://oshstencils.com> are abfab!).

If I can get cameras set up to switch reliably maybe I could give a demo 
of this and other steps of board assembly for low volume prototyping. I 
have a new camera for my microscope too. If I can get a decent cell 
signal into the basement I can perhaps use that and bypass the feeble 
uplink  with the house DSL. This would have to be for after Monday as 
I'm overbooked.


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