[TriEmbed] optimized switch statements Re: Hacking a fake vintage radio (with Arduino + Pi 0)

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Wed Jul 1 17:39:56 CDT 2020

Gcc already does use jump tables without the user having to force 
anything. Below is a simple C program followed by the X64 assembly 
language. Notice the table of addresses and the jump through rax. But 
what the programmer has to do is craft their case values to make a 
"dense" range that is mostly consecutive. How smart this is, I don't 
recall (e.g. if case values 4, 8, 12, 16 would be recognized as easy to 
compute an index with, how many "gaps" in the case value range would be 
tolerated, etc). But also the compiler won't use the jump table until 
there are more than a handful of cases (the example below, with only 
three cases compiled into sequences of tests and conditional branches 
because the compiler writer judged the tradeoff of speed and space 
wasn't worth it).

The reason I'm familiar with this is that the gcc compiler's smarts gave 
the Linux version of the Java virtual machine an edge with dispatching 
op codes but the Sun Solaris C++ compiler didn't have the optimization 
(and was in a 'caretaker state' with no hope of getting the optimization 
by then, in the early 2000s). But the speed of dispatch was about 
interpretation and that was an absolute nit for code that executed 
frequently, as it was automagically compiled into native code by the 
late 90s and the quality of that native code got better and better over 
the years.


// Just for fun try putting "static" in front of the two int declarations

// (first mystery _import and then also for disgusting_global_side 
effect) and see what comes out with gcc -S -O4

int mystery_import;
int disgusting_global_side_effect;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  switch (mystery_import) {
    case 0:
      disgusting_global_side_effect = 123;
    case 1:
      disgusting_global_side_effect = 124;
    case 2:
      disgusting_global_side_effect = 125;
    case 3:
      disgusting_global_side_effect = 126;
    case 4:
      disgusting_global_side_effect = 127;
    case 5:
      disgusting_global_side_effect = 128;
   return 0;

         .file   "dense-switch.c"
         .section        .text.startup,"ax", at progbits
         .p2align 4
         .globl  main
         .type   main, @function
         cmpl    $5, mystery_import(%rip)
         ja      .L2
         movl    mystery_import(%rip), %eax
         leaq    .L4(%rip), %rdx
         movslq  (%rdx,%rax,4), %rax
         addq    %rdx, %rax
         notrack jmp     *%rax
         .section        .rodata
         .align 4
         .align 4
         .long   .L9-.L4
         .long   .L8-.L4
         .long   .L7-.L4
         .long   .L6-.L4
         .long   .L5-.L4
         .long   .L3-.L4
         .section        .text.startup
         movl    $128, disgusting_global_side_effect(%rip)
         xorl    %eax, %eax
         movl    $127, disgusting_global_side_effect(%rip)
         jmp     .L2
         movl    $123, disgusting_global_side_effect(%rip)
         jmp     .L2
         movl    $124, disgusting_global_side_effect(%rip)
         jmp     .L2
         movl    $125, disgusting_global_side_effect(%rip)
         jmp     .L2
         movl    $126, disgusting_global_side_effect(%rip)
         jmp     .L2
         .size   main, .-main
         .comm   disgusting_global_side_effect,4,4
         .comm   mystery_import,4,4
         .ident  "GCC: (Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2) 9.3.0"
         .section        .note.GNU-stack,"", at progbits
         .section        .note.gnu.property,"a"
         .align 8
         .long    1f - 0f
         .long    4f - 1f
         .long    5
         .string  "GNU"
         .align 8
         .long    0xc0000002
         .long    3f - 2f
         .long    0x3
         .align 8

On 7/1/20 2:12 PM, Jon Wolfe via TriEmbed wrote:
> This is one of those rare circumstances, imho, where goto can 
> reasonably be used, Dijkstra be damned 😊.
> Where I have seen it used like this , it’s an optimization, and 
> doesn’t change the semantics of code flow from a traditional 
> switch-case, and it was wrapped in a macro I think so it could be 
> used, if supported, by the compiler. It’s like putting inline assembly 
> in the code: only do it if the benefit is worth the sacrifice in code 
> portability and maintainability.
> I’m not a compiler optimization expert, but the code generation 
> optimization of using a jump table would be at the discretion of the 
> optimizer, using a goto construct would be a way to force that. It may 
> also be the case that the way it is implemented at the machine code 
> level is faster using gotos.
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