[TriEmbed] message sizes

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Mon Aug 10 17:58:01 CDT 2020

Just to clarify, messages larger than 100000 bytes are held for 
moderation. This list is on my personal domain server and I can't afford 
for folks to add five megabyte photos of a resistor asking for help 
decoding the color bands (extreme case, but you get it). ANYTHING of 
interest to the list, up to a point, I just let through. Except when I'm 
feeling poor or it seems really extreme, in which case I ask the poster 
to stick the file someplace and send a URL. But so far, the most useful 
function of this limit seems to have been preventing folks from 
accidentally posting their resumes to the list vs to the poster offering 
a job opening!

So the sequence of events was 1) Rod posted the photos, 2) the list 
robot sent him an email, 3) he sent another posting, 4) I eventually 
noticed the robot email to me and let the posting go through, 5) the 
posting was sent to the subscribers.

And there is SPAM sent to this list, but so far no subscriber has had 
their email infected and so no SPAM has ever gotten to the subscribers, 
to the best of my knowlege. Crazy stuff is sent to the list address 
though and has to get tossed into the bit bucket periodically.

I now return you to your regularly scheduled program.

-Pete (still working: going to miss the meeting)

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