[TriEmbed] "off topic" followup

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Tue Apr 14 06:45:12 CDT 2020

The podcast I mentioned at the virtual meeting last night as possible 
help for those who are having trouble dealing with the stress of the 
pandemic (or perhaps some of your family or friends who are) is here:

Interview of Dr Laurie Santos with title "Coping Amid the Crisis" 

And for those who yearn to get a handle on what's happening in our 
country, here's the most intriguing (albeit unvetted) data I've found 
(ignore the remark about Easter at the beginning: undoubtedly for effect 

     The Metric We Need to Manage COVID-19 

I came across this first person account of a doctor called into Wuhan 
when the going was most rough and I found it extremely informative (and 
her team's conclusions about proactive measures seem to match up with 
the approach the Germans have been using to keep their mortality rate so 

"I Spent Seven Weeks in a Wuhan ICU. Here’s What I Learned" 

I was most impressed by the fate of their 128 member team: "When we left 
over a month later, my team had treated a total of 215 patients, 162 of 
them critical cases, without having a single member infected."

Finally, for those who have a keen interest in not getting infected or 
infecting others, here's a talk a retired microbiologist gave to members 
of The Forge Initiative recently: John Rock presents to TFI members 
about how he goes grocery shopping 
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSZOPH6Cw9Q&feature=youtu.be> Please 
honor John's request to only forward the URL (with this note), not snippets.


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