[TriEmbed] Battery Power for Projects (informal survey)

Robert Henry rob at ltcageproductions.com
Mon Nov 18 11:41:29 CST 2019

(--sending from correct e-mail this time--)
Hey all,

*Question for group*: I'm curious what battery packages folks in this group
use for their projects? If there is quite a variety - perhaps offer your
favorite/most flexible.

*Background:* I'm currently selling ~12v LiFePO4 battery packs (4s1p) that
I had as surplus from a consumer product.  Product launched with limited
success, but the battery packs are selling well enough that I'm considering
sourcing other chemistries / configurations.  Would like to keep with the
embedded project market to start (that is - capacities less than 100

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!
Rob Henry

Rob Henry
LT Cage Productions, LLC
ph: +1.919.245.7684
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