[TriEmbed] DFMA and OCRA joint ARRL Field Day this weekend
Charles A
chanoia33 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 00:24:23 CDT 2019
The DFMA and OCRA amateur radio clubs jointly put on a really big operation
each year for field day. Worth checking out.
9A class battery powered 5 watt station operation for 2019 OCRA/DFMA Field
Day to be held at the Wilson, W4BOH QTH on 3117 Moorefields Road
Starting Friday morning at 8am focus will be on tower setup and all other
outdoor ground activity to get as much as possible done prior to mid day
Stations and Band Captains are as follows:
- CW Stations – Bruce N1LN Captain – 3 stations located inthe MCU
covering 80 -10M CW operating antennas onf 3 towers. 2 sets of headphones
are on each radio so interested observers can listen in on the operation.
Operator slots are available.
- 80M SSB Station – Steve, W3AHL Captain – located in the W3AHL
motorhome using two 75M dipoles. Typically band conditions mean 75M is a
6pm to 6am operation. New operators are welcome.
- 40/15M SSB Station – Joe, K4SAR Captain – located in an air
conditioned trailer using a 3 element 40M wire beam and 3 element 15M beam.
Joe needs operators to sign up.
- 20M SSB Station – Lad, W4ORD Captain – located in an air conditioned
trailer using tower mounted team, solar power charged batteries.
- 10M SSB/Digi Station – Dave, NA4VY Captain – located in the air
conditioned “red barn” using a Moxon beam.
- 40/20M Digi Operation – Dave, W4SAR & Sherri, WB4OSU are co-captains
operating PSK-31 and maybe FT-8 located in the handicap accesible garage at
the food area.
- 6M VHF Station – Doug, KA5ETS principle operator also located in the
“red barn” building.
- Satellite Contact: Dan KR4UB & Bill N8BR will be out on the grounds at
the scheduled times for satellite overflights.
Additional operators are needed on all stations.
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