[TriEmbed] TriEmbed Digest, Vol 69, Issue 20

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Fri Feb 22 12:41:37 CST 2019

> Okay it might take some time to get it working, but I got one of the 
> tiny Group gets flir units.

Does yours have the calibration shutter? I have the original FLIR Laptopn module from the first GroupGets round years back, and it suffers from lack of the calibration shutter.

It's fun to play with if you have a micro or pi-centered application, otherwise I'd go with something like a Seek Thermal camera which just plugs into a phone.

> Anybody mess with a Pine Rock64. Usually one would ask before they buy 
> one, but I just bought one because the online world seems pretty high 
> of it. However, the online world cannot match the opinions of the 
> TriEmbed Users `,~)

Always avoided the other Pine64 boards due to Allwinner SOC. Allwinner is the worst for kernel updates. The latest Rock64 Pro is Rockchip, which might be OK. 

I am happy with Odriod XU4. It works well as a file server due to full gigabit ethernet and USB3. NXP is waaaay better than Allwinner in terms of mainline kernel support.


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