[TriEmbed] [TAR] [TAR Meeting Monday Aug 5th, 2019 at 7:00pm - NCSU EB1 1005]

Mahesh Balasubramaniam maheshba at ieee.org
Fri Aug 2 08:32:47 CDT 2019


We are having our monthly R&A meeting on August 5th, 2019 at 7:00pm (6:30
pm for pizza) in 1005 NCSU Engineering Building 1.  The topic will be

"Space rovers and surgical robots: system architecture lessons from Mars" -
a very interesting session from John Breitenbach, an impressive highly
experienced individual in the industry.

Registration link:

Please refer to event details in the forwarded email below for more
details.  Our monthly events are open to public including non-IEEE
members.  All are invited.

Thank you.

Mahesh Balasubramaniam
maheshba at ieee.org

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: IEEE eNotice <enotice at ieee.org>
Date: Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 2:35 AM
Subject: Space rovers and surgical robots: system architecture lessons from
To: <maheshba at ieee.org>

If you are having trouble reading this message, click here
for the web version.

To view complete details for this event, click here to view the announcement
Space rovers and surgical robots: system architecture lessons from Mars

*Space rovers and surgical robots: system architecture lessons from Mars*

What do Mars exploration and Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery (MIRS) have
in common? In some ways, the technology and communication requirements
couldn't be more different.

This provocative talk will examine a wide range of challenges for designing
modern robotic systems, based on real-life lessons learned from NASA's
Human Robotic Systems project and MIRO Lab, an advanced robotic assistance
research laboratory.

Learn why Robot Operating System (ROS) 2.0 and robotic systems like NASA's
and MIRO Lab's chose to implement a data-centric architecture using Data
Distribution Service (DDS), a communication protocol standard for real-time
and embedded systems.


John Breitenbach currently works as a Field Applications Engineering
Manager in Real-Time Innovations, Inc.

John spent 25 years designing communications software for real-time
embedded systems before joining RTI as an applications engineer. He's
worked on industrial, medical, consumer, and military products - everything
from artificial hearts to microgrids. As a protocol geek his focus is on
helping RTI's customers get their systems talking to each other and working
as one.

IEEE RA24 appreciates John Breitenbach and Real-Time Innovations, Inc., for
their technical contributions to the community.

*Parking Information:*

*Plenty of free parking available at following locations adjacent to EB1

911 Partners Way, Raleigh NC 27606 (EB1 entry)

890 Oval Drive, Raleigh, NC 27606   (EB2 entry)

1070 Partners Way, Raleigh, NC 27606 (Hunts library 0.2m away)
Date and Time

   - Date: *05 Aug 2019*
   - Time: *06:30 PM to 08:30 PM*
   - All times are US/Eastern
   - [image: Add_To_Calendar_icon] Add Event to Calendar
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   - 911 Partners Way
   - Raleigh, North Carolina
   - United States 27606
   - Building: Engineering Building 1 (EB1)
   - Room Number: 1005

[image: Staticmap?size=250x200&sensor=false&zoom=14&markers=35.771628%2c 78]

   - Email event contact <maheshba at ieee.org>

   Mahesh Balasubramaniam

   maheshba at ieee.org


   - Starts *08 April 2019 12:00 AM*
   - Ends *05 August 2019 08:30 PM*
   - All times are US/Eastern
   - No Admission Charge

   - Register Now


6:30-7:00pm Networking with pizza and soda

The times below are approximate and are given just as a guideline:

7:00-7:10pm News and Announcements

7:10-8:10pm Space rovers and surgical robots: system architecture lessons
from Mars - session from John Breitenbach

8:10-8:35pm Show & tell by interested hobbyists

Eastern North Carolina Sec Chap,RA24
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