[TriEmbed] Coffee roaster

Scott Hall scottghall1 at gmail.com
Sun Oct 21 20:01:02 CDT 2018

Craig, there is nothing vintage in there -- that /IS/ today's components. 
What's probably throwing you is that you're seeing a European hot-air popper. 
American poppers are closer to this:
https://www.amazon.com/Presto-04863-Poplite-Popper-Color/dp/B01G7DM3G2 and don't
have near the same number of controlled components or the interface.

That doesn't mean you can't hack it up and make something work.  Why don't you
take a trip to the Scrap Exchange in Durham (http://scrapexchange.org/); they
may even have some hot-air poppers.  You can also check out other thrift stores
in the area and see their appliances.  A $5 popper is certainly worth
experimenting on.

On 10/21/18 7:53 PM, Craig Cook via TriEmbed wrote:
> I would like to make something like this:
> https://www.instructables.com/id/A-fully-automatic-coffee-bean-roaster-Arduino/
> How would you do it with today's components?
> Thanks
> Craig

Scott G. Hall
Raleigh, NC, USA
ScottGHall1 at GMail.Com

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