[TriEmbed] 68000 nostalgia?

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Fri Mar 16 08:24:20 CDT 2018

I finally found a *completed* 68000-based SBC which does not break the bank: https://www.retrobrewcomputers.org/doku.php?id=boards:sbc:tiny68k:tiny68k_kit2

You can email hshen at spinn.net and he’ll mail you a completed board for $31. For the money you get a 68000 with 16MB of RAM (an FPGA replaces all the support logic and provides DRAM refresh), a CF card for storage, and a UART for serial. It boots from a serial EEPROM.

There’s no video, sound, or keyboard, it’s meant to be used with a terminal or terminal emulator. You will use kermit (or something like that) to transfer files.


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