[TriEmbed] APA102 and LED stuff (SK9822 writeup and additional question)

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Sun Jan 28 12:49:49 CST 2018

On 01/28/2018 12:18 PM, Alex Davis via TriEmbed wrote:

>> Adafruit is expensive and out of stock. Looking for a meter of 30 
>> from a trustworthy source. Any advice?Pete
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> I’d just ebay it from a US seller. Do the strips vary much in quality? 
> I would like to find the APA102 non-c variety, as supposedly they are 
> in a better case with better heat dissipation. The APA102C are in 
> really soft plastic.
I knew even less about possible quality differences than the larger 
issue: there are now THREE LEDs being sold as if they are the same. I 
was seeking advice because I just now found an application for the 320 
APA102C LEDs I bought via Adam's group buy that he did years ago. So I'm 
out of touch, while at the same time a friend is eager to do a "me too" 
and make something needing a couple meters of 30/M LEDs.  With the EBay 
route it's hard to tell if you're going to get APA102, APA102C, or 
SK9822 LEDs, as the main sellers seem to think they're equivalent (for a 
discussion of the interesting SK9822 variant see the excellent writeup 
After finding this writeup I see that for my friend's application any of 
these will work OK. But I wish Pololu wasn't out of stock, as they have 
competitive prices and offer little details like software drivers that 
play well with the SK9822's protocol difference.


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