[TriEmbed] Particle Announcement

Chip McClelland chip at mcclellands.org
Wed Feb 14 15:50:14 CST 2018

As you may know, I have been using the Particle platform for my IOT 
development and am a big fan. Yesterday, they announced new hardware that 
will come out in July which can be preordered at a great price. The new 
hardware is lower cost, has bigger data caps, brings an LTE cellular option 
and introduces mesh neworking based on the open source Thread standard.
You can see the announcement here: https://www.particle.io/mesh
They also chose to feature what I am doing at Umstead Park here: 
If you are interested, I have a referral code which gets both of us a free 
mesh starter pack if you use this link: 
https://particle.io/mesh?referral=HA6Z68 or the referral code HA6Z68. In 
addition , I have a bunch of extra Photons (WiFi) and I will give you one 
at the next meeting so you can start before the pre-orders arrive.
I know this seems like a shameless plug but, I have genuinely enjoyed using 
Particle and, with the new lower pricing, feel like it is worth a look.
Chip McClelland chip at mcclellands.org (919) 624-5562
via Newton Mail 
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