[TriEmbed] Tektronix 5xxxN series plugins

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Tue Sep 19 07:52:08 CDT 2017

Anyone have a Tektronix 5xxxN series plugin I can borrow? I picked up an old 5111 mainframe cheaply for use in my vector display project. Anyone have access to an amplifier plugin so I can see if it’s working and worth spending more money on? I think it’s possibly OK, since turning up the intensity control does produce a nicely focused dot on the display.

I realize this is a long shot, as this is OLD stuff. The idea here is if it works, I will get a third plug-in to gut and use it to power and store the vector generator, so the whole setup will be self-contained.

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|-||_ (_  /\ |_/ @| | |-| |  | \ | /\ |^| | |_/ (_ . \_  \/ | |

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