[TriEmbed] useful script to make RPi IOT projects more user-friendly

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Mon Oct 2 15:28:22 CDT 2017

I came across this code while looking for a way to make a user-friendly
IOT thing with a Raspberry Pi. It checks to see if the Pi acquired an
IP, and if not, puts the wireless into AP mode and allows wireless info
to be entered on a webpage. This way the end-user just needs to be told
to plug in the Pi, connect to a certain AP, and enter their home AP


I believe there's a similar code library for ESP chips.

I'm playing around with the the idea of creating a sports
scoreboard/goal/touchdown/etc display. 32x64 RGB LED panels are down to
about $15 now:

Here's a code library for the NHL:

"The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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