[TriEmbed] comments on 1bitsy and black magic probe mini?

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Thu Mar 30 14:07:48 CDT 2017

Anyone have comments based on today's (3/30) Hackaday featuring the
Black Magic Probe Mini (BMPM) debugger for ARM? I get the 1bitsy:
powerful, cheap, jtag interface for programming and debugging. I'm not
sure I get the BMPM. Is having the GDB server on the probe that useful?
(totally ignorant here). I guess it is cool that it is open-source.

Maybe it would force me off being lazy with the Arduino IDE. So many
good-intentioned plans and idea sitting in the project box, though. I'll
be bringing them to the hamfest, hopefully someone else can make use if

Hackaday article:

"The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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