[TriEmbed] video of meetings

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Fri Aug 25 09:29:54 CDT 2017

I've been testing youtube streaming and I think I've got the hang of it.
Would we as a group be interested in streaming our meetings? It might
help bring in more members and facilitate access for those who can't
always make the drive.

I think the technical hurdle will be NCSU's guest wireless network,
which may block it. Hardware-wise, I'd initially just try a linux laptop
with the LCD screen webcam pointed at the whiteboard, since it'd be a
self-contained setup. I imagine this may not be the best quality. I do
own a decent mirrorless DSLR with HDMI output and shotgun mic, but I'd
need an HDMI capture card.

Alternatively, we could just video the presentations and put them up on
a suitable youtube video channel. I will volunteer to set this up, but
will appreciate help as there will be times where I can not make the

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