[TriEmbed] IdeaRaleigh
Alex Davis
alexd at matrixwide.com
Thu Apr 6 09:00:47 CDT 2017
City of Raleigh is sponsoring a competition for ideas "that challenges
applicants to come up with ideas for innovative projects or solutions
that will make Raleigh a better place".
Do you have an embedded idea you think might be civic-minded? There's a
$2000 budget and $500 prize to the winner.
I've submitted my own idea for a solar-powered UV awareness
installation. Imagine an e-ink display mounted in a sunny location near
a playground or park which tells you the UV index and time-to-burn with
and without sunscreen for a few of the common skin types. Maybe they can
stick a free sunscreen dispenser on the same pole if they want.
"The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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