[TriEmbed] ***SPAM*** Re: hail mary github question

Jon Wolfe jonjwolfe at anibit.com
Mon Sep 12 17:38:53 CDT 2016

If this is a fresh clone, and you're the only one pushing, it ought be be unnecessary to pull. It can't hurt though. If you have your local changes committed there's little you can do to cause permanent damage, so long as you don't mess with the .git folder. 
I'm somewhat of a reluctant git ninja. Even though Ican do a lot with the command line, a decent gui can do git acrobatics 10x faster that fumbling around witha console display and git's arcane command line options. I use tortoise git on Windows. Some like Atlassian SourceTree, though I'm not a huge fan of it. On Linux Mint Cinnamon(my go-to distro),  there is a nemo plugin that works similar to Tortoise.
Sorry I'm going to miss the meet tonight, but if anyone ever feels like getting together for some coffee/beer and git, I'd be down for it.

-------- Original message --------
From: Scott Hall via TriEmbed <triembed at triembed.org> 
Date: 9/12/16  6:23 PM  (GMT-05:00) 
To: Pete Soper <pete at soper.us> 
Cc: Triangle Embedded Computing Discussion <TriEmbed at triembed.org> 
Subject: Re: [TriEmbed] hail mary github question 

Also, don't forget "git pull".  Your local clone may not be in sync.  Also make sure that you do a "git rm" from the expected branch.  Note that if you remove an element from one branch that was added in a different branch, of course the tracking remote will still show it -- at least for the other branches that it was visible.

Note that you can use git-rebase to change the order of git commits and essentially change the history.  I've used this to merge separated commits into a single commit.  
This way you can reorder where you did the git-add commit of those two files, and reorder that commit next to a remove of those two elements, and merge the two commits like they never existed in the first place.  Here is some info:

How to reorder commits with Git | Dennis Robinson
Git - Rewriting History
git ready » reorder commits with rebase
git - Reordering of commits - Stack Overflow
Interactive rebasing | Git from the Bottom Up - GitHub Pages
Note that you can "get" yourself down a rabbit hole with this if you are not careful (pun intended).
- sgh

On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 5:44 PM, Jon Wolfe via TriEmbed <triembed at triembed.org> wrote:
git status
git log --decorate
Are your friends. They should show you what you local and remote tracking branches are. You can also run :
To get a primitive gui git log.

 A script that auto commits sounds... dangerous, unless you are talking about a tool that expects complete authority over your working copy, like SparkleShare

-------- Original message --------
From: Pete Soper via TriEmbed <triembed at triembed.org> 
Date: 9/12/16  5:32 PM  (GMT-05:00) 
To: Carl Nobile <carl.nobile at gmail.com> 
Cc: Triangle Embedded Computing Discussion <TriEmbed at triembed.org> 
Subject: Re: [TriEmbed] hail mary github question 

    Yes, you're missing it. 

    I just cloned the tree from Github into an empty directory, went
      into the repo, did a "git rm " of the two mystery files, git said
      they were deleted, but when I did a "git push" and put in
      id/password I was told everything is up to date and the two files
      are still sitting in the repo on Github. They're beyond my
      control. But I was going to restructure anyway. They are what they
      are, and I'm going to stop caring.



    On 09/12/2016 05:27 PM, Carl Nobile


        Anything you do in a git repo will not and cannot remove
          the repo itself.

        Or am I miss understanding the problem?

        I went to the repo you mentioned and there was nothing in



        On Mon, Sep 12, 2016 at 5:22 PM, Robert
          Dale via TriEmbed <triembed at triembed.org>

            commit.  And are you pushing / looking at the right branch?


                On Monday, September 12, 2016, Pete Soper via TriEmbed
                <triembed at triembed.org>

                I do
                  a "git rm foo" and a "git push", all goes well, but at
                  "foo" is still there. Is there a "git
                  --nuclear-tipped-cruise-missile rm foo"?







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          Carl J. Nobile (Software Engineer)

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Scott G. Hall
Raleigh, NC, USA
scottghall1 at gmail.com

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