[TriEmbed] triembed mailing list vs...
Alex Davis
alexd at matrixwide.com
Wed Oct 12 11:13:41 CDT 2016
Any thoughts on using something like a public or private reddit.com
subreddit for triembed.org?
- free (at reddit.com's whim, but not likely to change anytime soon)
- easier to admin
- can share with others who have a related interest easily
- supports things like sidebar and 'sticky' top-posts, to update people
on things like meeting times
- more 'hip' and in tune with the 'young folks'
- not email-based (can use RSS feeds though)
- not fully under our control (but then again, neither is DNS, L3, spam
whitelists etc...)
I personally have no problem with email, but then again, I also remember
USENET. Young people aren't that big on email and probably have no idea
what USENET is. They do like apps (there's a Reddit app) and they like
using their phones.
I think something like reddit might help us reach a wider audience and
encourage more young people to join. What do you think?
I used to run my own mail and web server for matrixwide.com using an
OpenBSD-based LAMP setup. I got tired of patching the OS, patching
wordpress, dealing with HW issues, dealing with ever-growing and
-changing BS with spam and spam filters. Years back I gave up on that
and just pay fastmail.com to host email for my domain. Well worth the
money to no longer have to worry about it.
There is a general reddit subgroup already for embedded stuff:
"The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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You won't find me on Facebook.
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