[TriEmbed] IOT data plans

Charles West crwest at ncsu.edu
Mon May 30 17:26:13 CDT 2016

You might want to look at FreedomPop.  One of their modems gives you 500 Mb
per month for free.  The only catch is that you need to manually turn off
their non-free "features" and they charge if you go over.


On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Alex Davis via TriEmbed <
triembed at triembed.org> wrote:

> > I'm setting up node-red ( http://nodered.org/ ) on a Raspberry Pi, to
> > handle home automation/IoT stuff.  Since I want it to ping me if my house
> > is on fire, I'm looking around for device-oriented data plans, in case
> > home
> I used to use PTEL. They are no longer in service. I liked them as you
> paid on a combo of minutes and service length. I think every 3 months
> was $30, and it came with some amount of minutes I'd never use up. The
> problem was that my home is in a t-mobile null, so it was useless for
> home automation. We ended up putting the SIM in an unlocked feature
> phone for one of my kids. T-mobile is fine in the City of Raleigh.
> ptel.com is now a landing page for prior customers, and has links to
> similar low-cost service providers. Maybe one of those is good?
> There's also alarmsim.com. Their deal is your minutes never expire, but
> the SIM cost upfront is expensive, and they only support SMS, no text or
> MMS.
> Ever consider working out a deal to use a neighbor's wireless as a
> fallback, in case your own service goes out? Then you don't need the GSM
> modem.
> Finally, would anyone like to trade for a Seeed Studio Arduino GSM
> shield? I have one, but have no use for it (because no service where I
> live). I have updated the firmware on mine so it works with the nice
> Adafruit GSM library and supports MMS. Let me know what you have to
> trade.
> Alex
> --
> "The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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