[TriEmbed] FRDM-K64F notes

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Tue May 10 13:54:55 CDT 2016

I got my Freescale FRDM-K64F last night and have some initial notes:

- a firmware update was required to enable MBED. No big deal, just boot
the board in bootloader mode and drag the firmware to the virtual USB
- the RGB LED is handy, as are the two user buttons. However, the RGB
LED sits on regular pins, not PWM pins, so if you want to play with
that, you'll have to make your own board. This could be seen as a plus,
as it's not 'wasting' PWM pins.
- the default PWM speed via PwmOut() is pretty slow - as in, you can see
the blinking in a simple 'fade' program. There is a library to fix it:
- the specs list two 12-bit DACs, but this is incorrect for the
FRDM-K64F, as it uses the 100-pin version of the MCU, and both DACs are
only broken out on the 144-pin version.


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