[TriEmbed] IOT data plans
Alex Davis
alexd at matrixwide.com
Wed Jun 1 12:20:39 CDT 2016
FreedomPop looks too good to be true. I'd want to set it up with a
prepaid credit card. Has anyone direct experience with them?
On Mon, May 30, 2016, at 06:26 PM, Charles West wrote:
> You might want to look at FreedomPop. One of their modems gives you
> 500 Mb per month for free. The only catch is that you need to
> manually turn off their non-free "features" and they charge if you
> go over.
> Thanks,
> Charlie
> On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 1:49 PM, Alex Davis via TriEmbed
> <triembed at triembed.org> wrote:
>> > I'm setting up node-red (http://nodered.org/ ) on a Raspberry
>> > Pi, to
>> > handle home automation/IoT stuff. Since I want it to ping me if
>> > my house
>> > is on fire, I'm looking around for device-oriented data plans, in
>> > case
>> > home
>> I used to use PTEL. They are no longer in service. I liked them
>> as you
>> paid on a combo of minutes and service length. I think every 3
>> months
>> was $30, and it came with some amount of minutes I'd never use
>> up. The
>> problem was that my home is in a t-mobile null, so it was
>> useless for
>> home automation. We ended up putting the SIM in an unlocked feature
>> phone for one of my kids. T-mobile is fine in the City of Raleigh.
>> ptel.com is now a landing page for prior customers, and has links to
>> similar low-cost service providers. Maybe one of those is good?
>> There's also alarmsim.com. Their deal is your minutes never
>> expire, but
>> the SIM cost upfront is expensive, and they only support SMS, no
>> text or
>> MMS.
>> Ever consider working out a deal to use a neighbor's wireless as a
>> fallback, in case your own service goes out? Then you don't need
>> the GSM
>> modem.
>> Finally, would anyone like to trade for a Seeed Studio Arduino GSM
>> shield? I have one, but have no use for it (because no service
>> where I
>> live). I have updated the firmware on mine so it works with the nice
>> Adafruit GSM library and supports MMS. Let me know what you have to
>> trade.
>> Alex
>> --
>> "The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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