[TriEmbed] Fastest microcontroller from Vcc power to turning on an output?

Shane Trent shanedtrent at gmail.com
Wed Jan 6 13:01:06 CST 2016


Does anyone have a feel for which small microcontroller would have the
shortest time from power being applied to Vcc and being able to drive an
output pin high? I realize that the capacitance (or power cap) on Vcc would
interact with the source impedance and provide an RC time constant for the
rise time on Vcc. I was just wondering if AVR vs PIC vs MSP430 vs ARM would
be start executing commands fastest. I wonder if brown out protection slow
them down much or if which type of oscillator comes up operating quickest.



A blog about some of my projects.  http://fettricks.blogspot.com/
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