[TriEmbed] wireless device

Michael Wayne michael.wayne at georgewaynellc.com
Fri Jan 1 21:56:58 CST 2016

Hi Martin,

In which grade/age group are your students?

My company is completing a pre-full production manufacturing run of URI
addressable/discoverable, sleepy,  802.15.4 mesh shields for Arduino that
consume much less power than WiFi.   We'd be stoked to do a workshop with
your students...if that's of value.

-Michael Wayne
On Jan 1, 2016 10:43 PM, "Martin Brooke via TriEmbed" <triembed at triembed.org>

> Using the Arduino IDE and some minor unsoldering, undergraduate students
> in my class got the ESP8266 Sparkfun Thing to use 20 uA @ 5V when in sleep
> mode
> It wakes up and accesses a local Wifi router in a few seconds then goes
> back to sleep for as long as we want.  I was surprised how well it is doing
> this.
> I plan to have students build WiFi wireless sensors that can be accessed
> by bringing a known router nearby.  I think 20 uA is low enough for us to
> run off 3 Ah of lead acid batteries for months if we only read the sensor
> every 10-20  minutes.  We have been using the sleeping micro to power up a
> regular Arduino for the measurements.  The Arduino  uses tons of power for
> a 5-10  seconds then gets turned off.  This model is easy for the students
> to develop and works very well.
> I spent a lot of time messing around with the Chipcon (now TI) parts over
> the last few years and was pretty put off by the high price of hardware and
> software.  Maybe if you are a big vendor you can beat them down to a
> reasonable price.  They seem to have missed the point of the IoT.   Why
> would I put $10 worth of internet
> <http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/CC3200R1M2RGC/296-38012-ND/4959129?WT.z_cid=ref_octopart_dkc_buynow&site=us>
> in my $9 toaster
> <http://www.target.com/p/kitchen-smith-by-bella-2-slice-toaster/-/A-48635475?ci_src=17588969&ci_sku=48635475&ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&CPNG=PLA_Appliances%2BShopping&adgroup=SC_Appliances&LID=700000001170770pgs&network=g&device=c&location=1021113&gclid=CjwKEAiA5Ji0BRC5huTCyOTR3wISJACH4Bx4pzdrBk3UkxDDG4y9a2u8kQvEO3_3ihR8_nM3oYeFnhoC4UPw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds>
> ?
> Am I missing something?
> Martin
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