[TriEmbed] Protection from Dual 12V inputs

Grawburg grawburg at myglnc.com
Wed Feb 24 15:52:46 CST 2016

I have a circuit using two MOSFETs (TO-220F) to control a 12 VDC motorized ball valve (Open & Close). The circuit works fine in testing.
What will eventually turn the MOSFET on (this works as well) is a high signal from the RPi.  Only if I write bad code so that
both outputs are high will I have a problem. Of course, I could NEVER code wrong, but just in case, what might I use between
the Pi (actually an MCP23008 I2C) and the MOSFETs that effectively says, "if GPIO1 and GPIO2 are high, block both"? I want
a device not only something in my Python code.

Brian Grawburg

[This was sent from a PC running Debian 7, 64-bit Linux. No Microsoft products were used.]

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