[TriEmbed] OSX 10.11 FTDI driver issues

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Wed Apr 13 13:53:02 CDT 2016

Anyone run OSX 10.11 and use an FTDI with an Arduino-type board? I had
repaired some broken HT1632-based LED displays with a new driver chip
and wanted to test them, and the nearest thing at hand was an AVR 1284P
"mighty mini" board, which needs an FTDI to program it.

I hadn't used that since last year, and I've gone through a few Arduino
verions since, so I had to go through the routine of updating my
"hardware" directory with a version which works with 1.6.7.

My issue is when I try to program via the FTDI, something goes wrong,
which then causes OSX to dump the driver, which makes the entry in /dev/
disappear. This is apparently due to a bug in the FTDI-supplied driver,
and supposedly the solution is to use a utility to delete the kext for

Anyone gone through this successfully? I'm not SOL at the moment, as I
can use my AVRISP MKII to program it directly through the ICSP
connector, but I do have other boards which lack that and need the FTDI.

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