[TriEmbed] TriEmbed meeting tonight, 7-9pm @ NCSU Engineering Bldg I, rm 1005

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Mon Sep 14 06:38:09 CDT 2015

Well, folks, if you'd like to get an understanding of Ohm's Law down 
close to the DNA level, tonight is the night for that. Ryan Schuster 
will use a fluid flow demo and Kevin Schilf will go over the subject 
too. Find out the latest about another smart LED group buy being 
organized by Adam Haile, the upcoming SparkCon, and the usual-unusual 
collection of surprise subjects. The latter part of the meeting will be 
the usual open forum. Bring your projects, and expect to connect with 
somebody who can help you get past your latest design or implementation 

Details and maps here:



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