[TriEmbed] Best Cable Choice

pete@soper.us pete at soper.us
Thu Jan 8 09:13:43 CST 2015

I read the datasheet again and at 50 ft it's hard to imagine a mechanism that would make the circuit sensitive to that cable choice.  The one "interesting" detail i found is they pretty much say you can't measure the high end of the temp range (over 100C) with parasitic power.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Grawburg" <grawburg at myglnc.com>
To: "Triangle Embedded Devices" <TriEmbed at triembed.org>
Subject: [TriEmbed] Best Cable Choice
Date: Thu, Jan 8, 2015 9:20 AM

I'm making an extension for the waterproof temperature probe that AdaFruit sells (3 conductor stranded) and have two choices:
1. Cat5e cable which is about 35 cents/foot
2. 24 AWG cable for R/C servo cable applications that's 75 cents/foot

Other than having 5 extra wires the Cat5e is certainly the best value. Any reason why I should try to find something else?
I have two applications and will probably end up needing 50 feet.

Brian Grawburg

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