[TriEmbed] Monday January 12th 7pm meeting reminder (WAY DIFFERENT BUILDING)

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Wed Jan 7 15:20:30 CST 2015

For this first meeting of the new year we're looping back to a totally 
casual format, but if you have something worth sharing on Youtube via 
video recording please send a note to the mailing list. Bring your 
physical and virtual show and tell items and any announcements, comments 
or questions that feel right.

For January and February the meetings will be in EBIII on the opposite 
side of the engineering campus from the parking and past meeting 
locations.Be sure to look at the meeting details page 
here<http://triembed.org/blog/?page_id=292>to orient yourself. There 
will be signs on some of the doors of the other buildings, but the local 
teleportation devices are down for software upgrades, so expect a good 
hike in any event.


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