[TriEmbed] oscilloscopes

Alex Davis alexd at matrixwide.com
Tue Apr 14 07:56:43 CDT 2015

I have the DSO Pocket Nano V2. It's poor specs-wise but it gets used the
most since it takes up very little space in my crowded workbench. Main
drawback is no real probe and no DC-offset blocking. Not sure if the DSO
Quad addresses those but lack of DC-blocking can be annoying.

I also have an OWON SDS6062V. It has a beautiful 8" TFT IPS display and
is very easy to use. I don't use it often, though.

Something like a Bus Pirate would be good for seeing if you're having
problems with serial, SPI, or I2C. It's low-end but only $30.

"The theater of noise is proof of our potential."
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