[TriEmbed] Basic I2C Question

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Thu Sep 11 12:33:01 CDT 2014

An oscilloscope would allow measuring the actual the slew rate 
accurately enough to determine if you've got some headroom or if things 
are on the ragged edge.

But the load capacitance of the sensors should be in their data sheets, 
so adding those up gives you a start on knowing the total load. And 
there are online calculators for estimating the capacitance of PCB 
traces. But just taking it to a 'scope' would close the gap between 
theory and reality. :-)


On 09/11/2014 11:46 AM, Jeff Highsmith wrote:
> Rodney,
> Can bus capacitance be easily measured? I've got five I2C sensors 
> hooked up to the project I'm working on, though all within a square 
> foot. Can I just put my multimeter in capacitance mode and measure 
> across SDA and SCL when the circuit is off?
> Thanks!
> Jeff :)
> On Sep 11, 2014, at 11:39 , Rodney Radford wrote:
>> As long as the I2C devices are close to the microprocessor, you do 
>> not need additional pull up resistors.
>> However, as you increase the distance (say to an extra sensor board), 
>> the long wires add additional capacitance to the I2C lines, turning 
>> those sharp edges into something that looks more like a sine wave.  
>> The same occurs as you add more devices as each device has it's own 
>> internal capacitance. The additional pull up resistors help correct 
>> this, allowing you to put your sensors further away (or add more 
>> sensors).
>> So if you are going off-board with your sensors, yes, i would 
>> definitely recommend adding pull up resistors. The lower the value of 
>> the resistors, the more pull up you get and the sharper your edges 
>> become - at the increase of additional current required for your 
>> device, so it is a trade off.
>> I worked on a setup years ago where I used I2C as a communication bus 
>> for a large aquarium monitoring system where I had I2C temperature 
>> sensors in each aquarium, I2C port expanders to drive small 2x16 line 
>> LCD displays, and port expanders to control turning on heaters to 
>> each aquarium.  The aquariums were in an external storage shed that 
>> was not insulated, so by measuring the external temperature we could 
>> start increasing the water temperature as the external temperature 
>> dropped, to prevent the water from getting too cold before the 
>> heaters cut in.  In hind site, it may have been easier to insulate 
>> the shed, but the system worked well for years.  I was running I2C 
>> lines over CAT-5 30' and it worked like a charm.  I did optoisolate 
>> the I2C lines back to the computer (which was a Windows PC that was 
>> bit-banging the I2C out the PC's parallel port) to prevent lightning 
>> of other high static charges from damaging the port.
>> Of course now I would replace all of that with a few small 
>> microprocessors and a Raspberry Pi, but this was back in the 
>> early/mid 90s...
>> On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 11:28 AM, Charles McClelland 
>> <chip at mcclellands.org <mailto:chip at mcclellands.org>> wrote:
>>     Adam,
>>     Thank you for the response your and Jon's note raises another
>>     question:
>>     Is there an advantage to putting resistors on the circuit board
>>     versus simply using the Arduino's internal pull-ups?  Power
>>     savings or - as Jon mentioned - the ability to tune for performance?
>>     On the RTC - here is my reader's digest version of the
>>     bewildering variety that Maxim offers:
>>     - DS1337 - Great but no battery backup to keep clock set when I
>>     change the batteries
>>     - DS1338 - Adds battery backup but drops alarms
>>     - DS1339 - Battery backup, alarms and an alarm pin - and it is
>>     cheaper than the DS1338.
>>     I am hoping the library / commands for all three will be similar
>>     and similar.  Thoughts?
>>     thanks,
>>     Chip
>>     On Sep 11, 2014, at 8:50 AM, Adam Haile <email at adamhaile.net
>>     <mailto:email at adamhaile.net>> wrote:
>>>     There's no need for them at all.
>>>     I2C only needs pull up resistors on the bus as a whole, NOT for
>>>     each device.
>>>     Also, the Wire library in Arduino automatically enables the
>>>     internal pullup resistors when you call begin(). You can also do
>>>     the same by setting a pin as an input and then writing HIGH to
>>>     it, but Wire takes care of it for you.
>>>     Sure, having extra won't help but you certainly don't need more
>>>     than one set.
>>>     For the RTC, check out the DS1337, it is the DS1307's big
>>>     brother and includes alarms. However, there are no alarm pins,
>>>     you just have to poll for if the alarm is "going off". But there
>>>     is lots of code out there already for the DS1337. If you need
>>>     alarm interrupts, I'm not sure what to use... nothing I'm
>>>     familiar with that has separate alarm pins.
>>>     On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 8:28 AM, Charles McClelland
>>>     <chip at mcclellands.org <mailto:chip at mcclellands.org>> wrote:
>>>         First, I wanted to thank Paul for the excellent presentation
>>>         on interrupts.  I now have a Watch Dog Timer routine which
>>>         is saving me from having to put a clock on one project.
>>>         On my other project though, I still need a clock.  And since
>>>         I am already using an I2C bus, I thought I could simply add
>>>         one to that bus.  That way I will have two I2C sensors
>>>         connected to an Arduino (ATMEGA328).  My question is how to
>>>         best implement the pull-up the resistors.  Should I put
>>>         resistors on each (perhaps 10k since they will effectively
>>>         be in parallel) or should I put one set of pull up resistors
>>>         on the main board for both? It seems like the latter is the
>>>         better approach but I did not know if there was some reason
>>>         to do one over the other.
>>>         On a related note, I need a 3.3V I2C Real Time Clock with
>>>         Alarms - I am looking at the DS1339 and hoping I can use
>>>         some of the DS1307 library since they are both from Maxim. 
>>>         Any other suggestions?
>>>         Thanks,
>>>         Chip
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