[TriEmbed] need stupid pet trick immediately
Glen Smith
mrglenasmith at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 15:31:58 CDT 2014
Have you got an umbrella that you are willing to sacrifice to the cause?
Some umbrellas have small (1/16" D) fiberglass rods rather than metal ones
to hold the fabric in that particular shape.
Either twist the thermocouple around the rod or Kapton tape it in place.
The rod then can be used to put some gentle pressure holding the junction
to the board using some McGuyver engineering with a coat hanger and
paper-clamps a little further away from the boards - which should interfere
less with the temperatures near the board. I don't know how the coat hanger
wire might interfere with the process closer up by conducting heat.
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 3:44 PM, Pete Soper <pete at soper.us> wrote:
> I've got four of the typical high temp fabric-coated type K thermocouple
> probes and can't get the buggers to reliably sit with some tension on the
> top of PCBs in an oven. I can imagine many solutions better than the
> fractional hectares of Kapton tape I'm applying along with bending the
> freaking things down, then pulling them back up with the silly hope that
> they'll sit on the target board surface. The kapton is of course screwing
> my experiment 'cause it is a fabulous heat insulator.
> What is the proper way to do this??? The crux of the problem is
> "something" that can magically hold the last inch or so of thermocouple
> lead down against the PCB where the lead kisses the PCB and the thing
> holding it down doesn't itself hose up the temperature measurement process.
> This is what the oven drawer looks like. As you can see, the thermocouple
> lead is threaded through the slots in the drawer, and with a bit of tape
> that keeps it from being sensitive to the drawerin being slid back and
> forth. It's that last bit of getting the thing to reliably sit on the PCB
> and not pop off and start measuring air temperature that's killing me. Any
> help appreciated.
> http://triembed.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/2014-
> 10-05-T962-Actual-With-Text.jpg
> -Pete
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