[TriEmbed] no more regularly scheduled TriEmbed meetings @ Splatspace

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Sat Nov 22 09:13:56 CST 2014

Dear Splatspace Community,
    Scott Hall can no longer host regular Triembed meetings at 
Splatspace, so last Saturday was the end.
    Some of you have helped with past meetings: thanks!.
    Some are on the TriEmbed email list, and this has been very nice too.
    But my sense is that there isn't another Splatspace member or member 
group actually involved with TriEmbed at a level where he/she/they can 
commit to the coordination, communication and hosting necessary to 
(re)establish a reliable alternative meeting. If I'm mistaken about this 
and one or more Splatspace members can commit to making something happen 
predictably (but maybe every N months instead of monthly?), please use 
"reply all" or "reply list" to set us straight (i.e. make sure both your 
list and triembed at triembed.org are in the CC list).

PS (FYI: Scott's been off the Internet for a couple months and is only 
available by phone. Ping me individually if you need his number.)

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