[TriEmbed] Camera Advice
Glen Smith
mrglenasmith at gmail.com
Thu May 1 13:30:21 CDT 2014
Adafruit sells matched components for both a 3.3v and 5v @ 500ma charger.
Actual current is dependent on distance between the coils and drops to 10ma
at 1/2 inch. You can build your own if you want to, but this is an option.
On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Scott Hall <scottghall1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Two points:
> 1) You don't have to drill a hole to couple power through the window,
> using an inductive power coupler (essentially a specially made transformer
> you wind yourself). I read an article a couple of months back in Elektor
> Magazine on how to do it (though the author was making his own spinning
> object that he needed to couple power to). There were pointers to how to
> calculate the size of core, wire size, number of turns, and the dielectric
> attributes of several materials.
> I also have done work for companies in the "smart energy" realm, and
> have some circuits on how to parasitically capture up to 150mA of waste
> energy from power lines (legally), again through inductive means and using
> a buck circuit.
> 2) You might consider proofing your project using a Pi, but use a
> different BOM (board on module) for the same chip and specs that will run
> the same embedded OS distro, but give you a hibernate and sleep modes that
> will save various levels of power and solve the Pi's power consumption
> problems and some other design idiosyncrasies. You can still do it all for
> under $100.
> On 04/30/2014 06:29 PM, Ted Pudlik wrote:
> Thank you all for your suggestions! A lot of options to look into.
> I should clarify that although the camera is currently indoors, I would
> eventually like to move it outside the window, as Paul suggested. This
> would both give me a better perspective on the feeder and remove the pane
> from between the camera and its subject. But it is also why power
> consumption is a concern: short of drilling a hole in the wall or window, I
> can't get a cord out there.
> Rodney, what solar panel do you use? My impression was that even a 45 W
> panel will not be enough<http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=31859> most
> of the year. (If I could keep the Pi, the RPi camera is a natural choice;
> the sensor seems to be of high quality, and I could always try to
> custom-mount a better lens one way<http://www.instructables.com/id/The-SnapPiCam-A-Raspberry-Pi-Camera/>or
> another<http://www.ebay.com/itm/Raspberry-Pi-Camera-Board-w-CS-mount-Lens-fully-compatible-with-official-module-/281212355128>
> .)
> Best wishes,
> Ted
> --
> Scott G. Hall
> Raleigh, NC, USAScottGHall1 at GMail.Com
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