[TriEmbed] Ground Confusion

Scott Hall scottghall1 at gmail.com
Thu May 1 13:29:31 CDT 2014

I read a good article that explains this phenomenon and why in Circuit Cellar
magazine in the last few months.  If I can dig up the text from their electronic
copy, I'll post it here.

Gist of it is, you minimize ground loops and signal paths where real-world parts
and materials have impedance and generate noise and oscillations.  More
specifically you minimize power ground noise from the control signals.

On 04/30/2014 10:35 PM, Pete Soper wrote:
> I'll revisit the email list config parameters with respect to attachments and
> total message size.
> I think the TI spec is saying your "control ground" paths go from their
> various places to one point ("A") and the power ground paths go from their
> places to another point ("B") and "A" and "B" are connected at exactly one
> point.  The figure for the parameter measurement information on page 11 of the
> datasheet shows this clearly.
> -Pete

Scott G. Hall
Raleigh, NC, USA
ScottGHall1 at GMail.Com

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