[TriEmbed] Fwd: March IEEE R&A meeting has been CANCELLED

R Radford rradford at mindspring.com
Mon Mar 3 12:12:13 CST 2014

Just an FYI for anyone on the TriEmbed list that was considering attending
tonight's IEEE R&A meeting on 3D fabrication and prototyping techniques.

I have decided to cancel tonight's meeting and have rescheduled Allen to
attend at our April meeting.  I do highly encourage anyone interested in
building prototypes to stop by at the next meeting and hear how you can
turn your ideas into reality - just not tonight... ;-)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rodney Radford <ncgadgetry at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 1:10 PM
Subject: March IEEE R&A meeting has been CANCELLED
To: Rodney Radford <rradford at mindspring.com>

While it is just raining now and the forecasters are pulling back a bit on
the severity of today's/tonight's ice, most still indicate a possibility of
ice travel later tonight (when we are getting out of our meeting).

Tonight's meeting was supposed to be Allen Moore, owner of Touchstone 3D,
presenting on fabrication and prototype techniques - a meeting I know our
members would love to see.  I would hate to have a low turnout tonight just
due to bad weather

So for these two reasons, I have decided to cancel tonight's meeting. I
know this is short notice and hopefully everyone will get this in time and
stay home (and work on their robots or just stay warm).

We will push Allen's talk off until the April meeting when we should not
have to deal with weather issues.

I have included everyone in this email that registered in advance, but
please pass the word around to anyone you know who may be planning to
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