[TriEmbed] Missing Raspberry-Pi from Splat*Space

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Thu Jul 24 13:40:46 CDT 2014

I'm sending this so nobody feels this group was singled out for 
harassment and sermonizing. As the guy who donated both boards to 
Splatspace I can say with sincerity that one Uno gone in two years is in 
the "no big deal" category. But of course the 'Space would be better off 
having one on hand and in relation to their budget the replacement cost 
is painful. (Splatspace is a 501C running on half a shoe string and all 
donations welcome!)

To put Scott's email in perspective, the TriEmbed meeting was Saturday, 
but the Arduino Uno wasn't found to be missing until the following 
Tuesday night during a regular meeting. Lots of people were around 
between those two times. An assertive msg was sent to the Splatspace 
list to get folks to check their toolboxes or whatever or to flush the 
board from its hiding place, and this was also about the communal 
Raspberry Pi having gone missing. The RPI was found yesterday, just a 
few feet away from where it sits other times, but the Arduino hasn't 
been found yet, motivating a msg to this list.


On 07/24/2014 03:20 AM, Scott Hall wrote:
> It was probably an honest mistake: if anyone on this list was at 
> Splat*Space this last Saturday and borrowed the Raspberry-Pi or the 
> Arduino, could you please return it to Splat*Space?  If it is hard for 
> you to make it to Splat*Space in the next day or so, feel free to give 
> me a call and I'll meet you somewhere.  919-624-5973
> When we as a group are visiting facilities that are hosting our 
> gatherings, we should make sure to respect those facilities. 
> Splat*Space is gracious to let us meet there and borrow their 
> equipment and components, but they ask that nothing is removed from 
> the space so that others in the club may use them at other times.
> If you are looking for a loaner board or parts or tools, please ask 
> members of this list -- many of us have a few extras in our personal 
> collections that we can loan out for a while.  Personally I have a 
> spare R-Pi and a spare Arduino I can loan out for learning purposes 
> (no modifications), including a small kit of parts, power supply, 
> solderless breadboards and jumpers.  I also have spare soldering irons 
> and a few tools that I can loan out. Just ask me a day or 2 before any 
> meeting so that I can be sure to bring them with me.
> Also if you would like to acquire your own, the cost is very 
> reasonable, and discussions on the list have mentioned numerous places 
> to order or purchase from.
> -- 
> Scott G. Hall
> Raleigh, NC, USA
> ScottGHall1 at GMail.Com
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