[TriEmbed] Alternate phone number to get into Splat*Space

Jon Wolfe jonjwolfe at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 15 11:15:14 CST 2014

I'm going to be there around 2ish today. There was some talk about Adafruit trinkets this week. All a trinket really is is an AtTiny85 with a very clever bootloader that can do software based usb. Hardware wise, I don't think it's much more than that.

If anyone is interested in trying to make their own trinket from a blank Tiny 85, I'll bring my little wire, and can help see if we can breath some life into it. It's probably more than worth the convenience to buy a real trinket, they're reasonably priced, but sometimes the fun is seeing what you can do.

Note that I haven't tried it yet, and I wont have a usb breakout handy, so it will be an adventure on my part too. I plan to see if the little wire circuit will be compatible with the trinket, then I can just swap out the chips.

See you there!

 From: Scott Hall <scottghall1 at gmail.com>
To: Triangle Embedded Computing Discussion Group <triembed at triembed.org> 
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2014 11:02 PM
Subject: [TriEmbed] Alternate phone number to get into Splat*Space

In case the Splat-phone is not working on Saturday, or you don't get answer, here is my cellphone number to call to get into Splat*Space for the Hack Afternoon gathering: 919-624-5973

Scott G. Hall
Raleigh, NC, USA ScottGHall1 at GMail.Com 
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