[TriEmbed] seeking antenna recommendations for SDR

jonjwolfe at anibit.com jonjwolfe at anibit.com
Wed Dec 3 15:11:58 CST 2014

I recently picked up some RTL2832-based receiver dongles for my site( 
https://anibit.com/product/wls03001 ) and I decided to claim one for 

I'm a novice when it comes to analog RF stuff, same for SDR.

The antenna that comes with the dongle leaves a bit to be desired.

I know that there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all for antennae, 
but it there has to be one a little better for general purpose SDR than 
these. I found that just touching the end of the antenna gave me a lot 
better reception, at least in the FM radio band. (I contemplated trying 
to build something out of coat hangers and aluminum foil, for old time's 

The dongle has MCX-style connectors, which seems is not common for RF 
stuff, I should have picked up some adapters from Adafruit while I was 
at it, I will eventually.

Does anyone have recommendations for where to get a better general 
purpose antenna for the casual user?


PS, I'd also love to hear from anyone at next meeting who has done a lot 
of cool things with SDR, it's so open-ended, it's a little hard to grasp 
all the things one can do with it.

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