[TriEmbed] Local supply for parts

David Mainesmith david at artisticpianotuning.com
Mon Dec 1 08:17:56 CST 2014

Other than Radio S.  I don't know of anything local.  Graybar has some items - mainly telecom related.  Amazon.com has been the best source form me. Thank You, David MainesmithArtistic Piano Tuning919-455-8443David at ArtisticPianoTuning.comwww.ArtisticPianoTuning.com  
      From: Shane Trent <shanedtrent at gmail.com>
Cc: TriEmbed Discussion <triembed at triembed.org> 
 Sent: Monday, December 1, 2014 9:10 AM
 Subject: Re: [TriEmbed] Local supply for parts
Radio Shack is actually pretty good about being able to search stock at other locations when you need that one last part to finish a project.


On Sat, Nov 29, 2014 at 11:23 PM, <jonjwolfe at anibit.com> wrote:

I run https://anibit.com/

I do not have triac's unfortunately. If you setup an account, I can enable a "local pickup" option for you and meet you in Cary.

(I've spent a lot of time recently wrestling with IT and performance issues on my site, but it it usable.)

On 2014-11-29 22:51, sean hennessey wrote:

Does anyone know of a local place to get components? Once upon a time
Southeastern Electronics was the place to get parts, but they are long
out of business. I'm in need of a triac at the moment (MAC97A8) and
would like to not have to wait for it to be shipped. Radio Shack has a
label on their parts drawers that says triac, but of course they don't
actually have any triacs in there.

Thanks in advance.

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