[TriEmbed] affordable metal stencils and "so much more"?

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Tue Aug 19 19:40:14 CDT 2014

This site below offers PCBs from Hong Kong, which is common, at prices 
similar to other China-based PCB places.

But they offer a steel stencil for $25 and one in a frame for $35. This 
is on a set of 10 5x5cm (or smaller) boards for $14 (postage included) 
or <= 10x10cm for $25. Wow. That's a cheaper metal stencil than any 
alternative I've seen.  I wonder if the quality is OK. I know nothing at 
all about these guys, except they seem to have some connection to 
Dangerous Prototypes. It's interesting that getting ENIG (gold finish) 
nearly doubles the price of the little boards but adds the same $15 to 
the price of 10 10x10cm boards. Another very exciting detail is that 
they offer a range of board thicknesses and a choice of six colors.


And this site, which seems to be part of the same organization and is 
definitely Dangerous Prototypes, offers PCB routing services:


Again, I have no clue what kind of quality these guys offer, but for 
those who have more money than time to learn a CAD system this might be 
very useful, and I suspect getting a design hand-routed would be a major 
eye-opener to put side by side with your own routing.

But wait, there's more. How about a service that will find parts for you?


PS At the top of the Dirty PCBs' web page is the credo  "No bull, just 
crappy PCBs". I'm not sure what that's saying about this organization, 
but I'm confident their boards are at worst crummy

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