[TriEmbed] Fwd: IEEE Robotics/Automation - Flying unmanned aircraft in North Carolina

Rodney Radford ncgadgetry at gmail.com
Sun Aug 3 14:08:21 CDT 2014

Did this message go through on the TriEmbed list?  I cross-posted it to
TAR, TriEmbed and TriLUG, but only saw it pop up on the TAR site, so
thought it may have gotten filtered out by being cross posted.  If you saw
the first one, please let me know.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rodney Radford <ncgadgetry at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 10:30 PM
Subject: IEEE Robotics/Automation - Flying unmanned aircraft in North
To: trianglerobotics <trianglerobotics at yahoogroups.com>, TriEmbed
Discussion <triembed at triembed.org>, Triangle Linux Users Group General
Discussion <trilug at trilug.org>

Have you:

   * recently purchased a quadcopter, or considering it?
   * seen the videos of quadcopters flying in fireworks and think that
can't be legal?
   * considered using a quadcopter for taking real estate photos for a
little cash on the side?
   * wondered about the legal regulations of flying it in North Carolina?

Then come out to this month's IEEE Robotics and Automation meeting (Monday
night, August 4) for  an interactive discussion on who can fly and what can
be flown in North Carolina as the law now exists.


We will look at the current and proposed law including North Carolina law
and the to be proposed federal regulations. We will discuss when and where
will Certificates of Authorization might be required. Does it matter if I
am flying for a hobby and fun or for commercial purposes? What limitations
might apply? Can I fly for agricultural purposes? Will I be required to
have education or training?

We will discuss these questions along with many others. If you would like
to submit questions ahead of time, please email me directly at
jrvann at vannattorneys.com

You can sign up for the meeting at the link below:


While signing up is not a requirement, it does help us know how much food
and drink to provide for the meeting, and let's us plan for the correct
size room.

Thanx - hope to see you there!
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