[TriEmbed] Monday, September T 9, 7pm TriEmbed meeting @ NCSU (note room change)

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Fri Sep 6 16:33:58 CDT 2013

The next Triangle Embedded computing interest group meeting will be this 
Monday evening at 7pm at NCSU Centennial Campus Engineering Building I 
(ONE), room 1007, which is at 911 Partners Way, Raleigh. This is a much 
larger room in a different building:


The past few meetings have had interesting technical presentations, and 
there will be more of those in the future. The nascent web site at 
http://TriEmbed.org has general info and pointers to past meeting 

This month the focus will be on welcoming and getting to know NCSU 
student attendees, finding out out what problems they and otherls are 
looking for help with, and then breaking into small groups to discuss 
those subjects as well how-tos about Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and MSP430 
computer systems. (ARM-related discussion is surely just over the horizon!)

Those of you with experience with these kinds of systems, please bring 
your gear and help with show and tell and tutorial improvisations. If 
you could tell us on this list what you intend to bring to the meeting 
it will help.

I'm bringing a hybrid system to demonstrate development for the latest, 
greatest MSP430G2955 chip (56kb flash, 4kb RAM, 32 I/Os in a .3x.4" 
package, and cheap even with a DIP adapter). I'll be using a Raspberry 
Pi as a development machine and the super-cheap 430 Launchpad as a 
programmer. I'll also have 2553-based demos to share, and with luck a 
second dev/target system that folks can use to their heart's content.

We need volunteers to help with various things large and small. Look for 
Charlie West, Paul MacDougal, myself (Pete Soper), or somebody else who 
appears to have been to a prior meeting if you'd like to help with this 

Because of NCSU exams we're forced to meet on December 2nd, in EB I room 
1007 (in other words the 1st Monday vs the 2nd Monday of December). This 
may be next door to the IEEE Robitics meeting, if they have their room 
assignment set already and the same as past months. Having our two 
groups together like this could be a venue for an event that is as cool 
as we'd like to make it. Let's talk about it.

Thanks again to Seth Hollar and NCSU for making these meetings possible.


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