[TriEmbed] Advice Needed
Charles McClelland
chip at mcclellands.org
Thu Oct 3 20:14:12 CDT 2013
I have only been able to make it to one meeting but I hope to be in town to make more going forward. I hope it is OK for a newbie like me to ask a question.
I figured out one of the best ways to learn about the Arduino was to build something that someone might actually want to buy. For my first project, I built a system that monitors soil moisture and will pump water to the plan to ensure it is kept in an adjustable range. I have a few (superfluous?) extras to provide feedback on the soil moisture, sound an alarm if the soil get's too moist, not water at night, allow adjusting of the soil moisture level, prime the pump and sound an alarm when you run out of water. It all works the way I want it to.
Now the part I need advice on - turning this into something I can sell - unit of one is fine - on eBay. I think the next steps are:
1) Cost optimization - I am using a Sparkfrun ProtoBoard and other expensive components - how can I get the cost of the components down to under $10?
2) Develop a custom circuit board - Though not required for a unit of one production, I want to learn this process. I tried downloading Eagle but have not made much progress.
3) Develop / Buy an enclosure - All this needs to be packaged in a way that looks semi-professional.
Any ideas on how to get smart about this process? Should I simply bring this little project to the next meeting? I appreciate any and all advice.
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