[TriEmbed] help with inviting NCSU folks to the June 10 mtg

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Mon Jun 3 11:11:11 CDT 2013

Seth Hollar, the NCSU benefactor behind our new "2nd Monday" meeting 
place, would like to send an invitation out for our meeting. Here's a 
first draft:

"There will be a meeting of TriEmbed (formerly "trianglearduino") from 
7-9pm in room 1228 of Engineering Building 2 on Centennial Campus. Join 
Triangle-area enthusiasts for show and tell and exchange of ideas and 
informal presentations related to embedded computing with special focus 
on popular hobby-oriented single board computers such as Arduino, 
Raspberry Pi, BeagleBone, Ti Launchpad(s), and others. Support for 
beginners is available at every meeting."

How's that? Anything missing or needing a tweak? I'm going to forward 
the end result to Seth at 3pm.


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