[TriEmbed] info about Monday meeting and other topics

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Wed Jul 3 13:54:32 CDT 2013

Below is info intended for the web site. While I fumble with the HTML 
edits to the website <http://TriEmbed.org> here's what needs to get 
communicated sooner than later. This is simply my take on how things 
should unfold as TriEmbed becomes a more formal organization, and any 
and all feedback to this list or directly to me is welcome. All mistakes 
and omissions are mine.

For the NCSU meetings Paul and I would like to revert to the "hands-on 
and small group discussion breakouts" following the initial whole-group 
agenda. But nothing is cast in stone except the need for politeness and 
consideration for others. Thanks again to Seth Hollar and Greg Dunko for 
making the meetings and breakout format possible.

Pete (pete at soper.us)
919 270 9433

===== for the web page
   Total email list 
subscribers on July 3, 2013:  172 readers, 5 writers
    Event Calendar: Monday July 8, 2013 7-9pm @ NCSU Engineering 
Building II, room 1228, Raleigh (*same as in June*)

    Tentative agenda
        - Brief introductions
        - Announcements, call for volunteers, ideas, and proposals
        - AtTiny tutorial (Paul MacDougal)
        - Breakouts:
            - Help for beginners
            - /Short/ Raspberry Pi jumpstart help for those interested, 
then merge back to other breakouts
            - Others TBD
      Event Calendar: Saturday July 20, 2012 2-4pm, or possibly longer @ 
Splatspace, Durham (aka Triangle Arduino Hack Afternoon, 
trianglearduino, etc via Meetup and Splatspace event calendar)
      Coordinator & Splatspace member host: Scott Hall
      Agenda/format TBD
      Event Calendar:  Monday August 12, 2013 7-9pm @ NCSU Engineering 
Building II, room 1228

      Tentative agenda
        - Brief introductions
        - Announcements, call for volunteers, ideas, and proposals
        - Sensor tutorial using Ardino (Shane Trent)
        - Breakouts:
            - Help for beginners
            - Others TBD
    Future meeting proposals/ideas
    For NCSU mtgs/a short /'lightning talk' format is absolutely fine 
and the total of all talks should ordinarily be X minutes (suggest 45).
    There is more flexibility with respect to on site-activities at 
    Current proposals:
        - How to make a (plain vanilla, "Hitachi standard" parallel) LCD 
work with an Arduino  (need a volunteer)
        - Soldering classes: beginner, intermediate, and advanced 
(@Splatspace, experienced volunteers needed)
        - Shallow pool wading into Arduino (need volunteer)
        - Shallow pool wading into Raspberry Pi (need volunteer)
        - Automation how-to for "a Raspberry Pi making a phone call and 
reporting something related to a sensor in my house." (need a volunteer)

        - A logic analyzer tutorial (@NCSU, proposed talk by Pete Soper)
        - AtTiny part 2? (Jon Wolfe)
    Ideas for the web site
       - Project showcase proposal by Shannon Code:
"I'd like to also add to the web presence. My thoughts were maintaining 
a portfolio or showcase of our projects, I know we have some cool ones 
and it would be great to have them all in one place. I could photograph 
final projects, help add content supplied like walkthrough a or 
journals, wips or whatever."
      Scott Hall (coordinator, Splatspace host)
      Paul MacDougal (coordinator)
      Pete Soper (coordinator, occasional Splatspace host, and buck stopper)
      Ian Jeffries, Shannon Code (web gurus)
      Ron Craig (web content)
      Charlie West (NCSU meeting representative)
      Seth Hollar (NCSU benefactor)
      Greg Dunko (NCSU liaison, backup meeting representative)
      Erik Aschehoug (NCSU backup meeting representative)
Docs to commit to github:
    (still in progress, to be hosted someplace safe and copied to 
physical media to go under a few beds)
    TriEmbed.org domain registration details and authorized alternate 
    TriEmbed.org gzip'd tarball of web site (periodic)
    TriEmbed.org Mailman config (periodic)
    TriEmbed.org list archives (periodic)

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