[TriEmbed] Source for AAA heat shrink tubing?

John Vaughters jvaughters04 at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 31 07:47:22 CST 2013


I found a good place to buy heat shrink tubing a while back but I have not bought any yet, becasue I have so much. Harbor Freight on Capital sells it by the bag. I seem to remember pretty cheaply. I cannot attest to the quality. Maybe check the price online, but they did carry it in the store when I was there a few months ago.

John Vaughters

On Monday, December 30, 2013 8:32 PM, Ed Blackman <ed at edgewood.to> wrote:
Does anyone know a local, or cheap shipping, source for heat shrink 
tubing?  I need to replace a NiMH battery pack that is basically two 
AAAs heat shrinked together (similar to this, though not exactly: 
http://amzn.com/B008R7ABNO).  I have the replacement batteries working 
with masking tape holding it together, but would like have a better 
permanent solution.

I can find the tubing for cheap online, but the shipping makes it 
expensive since I only need a little.

I need tubing wide enough to accomodate 2 AAA batteries side by side, so 

Thanks for any pointers.

Ed Blackman

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