[TriEmbed] IEEE (Triangle Amateur Robotics aka TAR) meeting info?

Pete Soper pete at soper.us
Fri Aug 30 18:52:53 CDT 2013

On 08/30/2013 06:37 PM, Shane Trent wrote:
> Pete,
> Good evening. Would mind sending me the link with the information 
> about the IEEE and robotics meeting at NCSU?  I know I should have it 
> from one of the Triembed e-mails but cannot find it.
> Thank you,
> Shane
>> Sent from Mailbox <https://www.dropbox.com/mailbox> for iPhone

Cc'ing the group, as the word might not be out fully and it would be a 
shame for folks to hike to NCSU for nothing this Monday.

A msg to the TAR list by "Gagetries" on August 5th says there will NOT 
be a September meeting of the robotics group, as that would fall on 
Labor Day (i.e. this coming Monday). The web site 
<http://triangleamateurrobotics> appears to be out of date and has 
nothing to add. I couldn't find any subsequent email about this.

However, when TAR does meet next (I guess Monday October 7th), it may 
well be at NCSU Engineering building II, room 1005, with typically a 
pizza thing in the lobby at 6:30 and the meeting at 7pm.


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